Friday, December 7, 2012

Peter & A few thoughts from Special Meeting

I sat Monday and Tuesday with Peter and spent time also with Sharleen.  Thank you , Shar for your kindness in inviting me to spend two nights so that I would not have to commute the 136 miles round trip.  What I found most amazing in my observation of Peter, is his will to do things on his own.  Right now, he is really only able to do tasks with his right side like stand, eat, wipe his mouth, etc., but I heard him say to the staff, and family, “Let me do it!”.  So, my heart was inspired to see his drive to become independent.  I believe that his positive attitude is also a healthy reminder to all of us to stay positive no matter the experience.  Peter really liked the CNA, Becky, and I am grateful he seems willing to listen to her instructions.  I observed that sometimes when he is instructed to help lift himself up, you can see the amazing strength he carries in his right hand, torso, and legs.  I started wondering if he wasn’t just going to start hopping from the bed, to the wheelchair, to the restroom.  That has not happened, thank goodness!

I went to a special meeting this weekend and felt like the worker knew about our situation when she reminded us that nothing is impossible with God.  I didn’t know the worker, and I was two hours away from home, so was thankful to know, and trust, that the Spirit was just comforting my soul to remember that God is in control of the outcome, as well as the process.   As I was walking back into the afternoon meeting, I met a woman I have known since I was a little girl, and she reminded me that her son had been through a traumatic brain injury several years ago, so her family has been down the road my family is experiencing.  I can’t tell you how thankful I am to know that others walk with us in spirit as we face those days that seem sooooo alone!

As I fill my heart with such wonderful good times of Peter, and his sisters, I cannot help but smile.  His smile radiates even in his walk.  As we have seen his will to fight to live, and his struggle to say a few words, I have been so thankful for the hand of God in our lives.  It has been said that every experience is a preparation ground for the future in which only God can see.  Romans 8:28 reminds us that all things work together for good in the Lord... We want to look for the good in this experience.  I can see, and feel, the good that is being worked into my life.  Perhaps some of that good is to be presently thank-full for ALL that is mine, right now!

I went back through my summer convention notes, and came across some thoughts about the husbandman in the vineyard.  What I see now, I did not see then.  I see that God would prepare me for this experience, though I am not Pete's closest family member, my heart has ached for all of them!   I stand in awe as I look back at times in life when God prepared me for storms.   I am grateful He gives all of us the strength to handle what at times would lmost seem unbearable.    

The Husbandman’s loving, patient, and yet, diligent care for the entire vineyard.  In the vineyard, the husbandman knows the exact conditions needed in order to produce a prosperous, worthwhile harvest.  His work requires planning the layout of the vineyard, preparing the soil, carefully planting the seed; gently tending to the care of the seed, watering, and keeping the soil fertile in hopes of a mature vineyard, and after harvest, pruning the vines in preparation for the New Year of re-growth.
His work is placid, yet persistent and graciously productive. He realizes his time is precious.   He knows given the right growing conditions, the vineyard has the potential of producing a masterpiece.  He takes great pride in his work though few ever see the never-ending labor of love he gives in hopes of a rich harvest.  He gently works the soil and then evenly places each stake used to support the grapes.  One could look up each vertical or horizontal row to see the perfectly lined up stakes used to stabilize the grapes in the growing process.  He also welcomes the gentle rain as he knows it holds the promise of a fruitful outcome.  Oftentimes the fruits of his labor are unknown until evidence of fruit appears.

In our trials and tribulations God oversees every detail and will never give us more than we can bear.  From our cloudy, tear-filled, restricted view of life; sometimes all we see is the storm, but God, the Husbandman, in his loving-kindness allows others to see the rainbow of love and protection in us, all around us, and over us.  He uses our life to encourage and inspire others.  He allows our storms to strengthen us. We can trust his timing; we can trust every aspect of life as we leave it all in His hands.


I am realizing that some experiences God allows, some He plans, and others He prepares us for.  I am thankful for all that have reached out to the family, whether known, or unknown.  As we live for others, one of the ways in which we can be a help, and a blessing is remembering them in the secret place.  I am thankful for those who intercede for Pete, Joanna, Naomi, Sharleen, and John.

I am sharing just a few of the thoughts from  this weekend’s special meeting that especially appealed to my soul.  

~ Psalms 23 is the perfect illustration of a perfect relationship between the Shepherd and the sheep.     

~ When the Lord is our Shepherd, we will never have any lack.  Our Shepherd holds all of the riches of Heaven, and always has bread and to spare for us to feed on!

~ Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.  Remember, EVERYTHING is possible with God, not only for yourself, but also, others! 

~ It is tempting to see things through our human eyes and in disbelief think a situation might not be able to be helped, but we want to remember that God knows the background to the situation, and with Him nothing is impossible!

~ Sometimes we get our eyes off of the goal and start focusing on all that is against us.  The mountains in front of us start seeming so impassable.  God reminded Jeremiah to go forward. God preserved Jeremiah in the midst of a very difficult experience.   

~ Jeremiah 32:27 – Behold, I am the Lord is there anything too hard for me?  God in loving kindness gently reminds us that absolutely nothing is too hard for Him!

~ God allows some experiences to deepen our roots.  He knows that we must be deeply rooted so as the storms of life blow across our pathway, they will not destroy the root system or our faith.

~ God longs for a heart to heart visit with each of us so He can make the impossible, possible.

~God showed the impossible would be made possible when Jesus arose from the dead.

~ What will help make the impossible, possible is the power in prayer.  We might not be able to change a situation, but God can change us! 


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