It has now went from a long road to a speedy highway!
We have seen a lot of p-r-o-g-r-e-s-s!!!!
Peter says, "Hello!" from room 314. He just vocalized it to all of us! (John, Shar, Rachel, Becky, his CNA, and myself.)
Peter had a few workers stop in and visit him over the past few days. A special thank you to Angie L, Justin R., and today, Loren C. Also, a few friends have stopped in! Tim and Myrna, Elmer, Nolene & Laramie, Art and Dolly, and his ornery cousin, yours truly! :D
Becky, the bestest CNA ever, changed out Peter's bed and he has been able to sleep so much better!
Peter has had a very busy schedule these past few days with Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and Speech therapy up to three hours each day.
Peter has done a whole lot of talking today!

This evening, Rachel again asked Peter if she could have a bite of his food. He agreed, and so she tried his Potato soup and also, his pureed mixed veggies. She says it was tasty, however, she likes the corn better! So, maybe, just maybe, mommy will get a hint and make more pureed corn for Rachel? :-D
UPDATE: Rachel convinced Mommy to cook pureed corn and tried about two bites and she was done! LOL Isn't it funny how our taste buds trick us into thinking that something so delicious can be re-created?
Peter is now relaxing in bed watching Disney with his niece Rachel laying in the bed next to him!
A special thank you to all who continue to remember us in your prayers.
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