Saturday, December 1, 2012

12/1/2012 - Afternoon Update on Peter

Shar asked me to update everyone on how Peter is tonight.

Peter was moved to a room a few doors down.  He is now in 314.  I decided to stop in and see how he was doing today, and I didn't read the blog to see he had moved.  So, you can imagine the surprise when I walked in what I thought was his room, and an older lady smiled at me from the bed!  I know I looked a little confused, because she said, "I bet your looking for that younger man?  He's a few doors down from me!"  :-D

I sat with the CNA for about three hours this afternoon as we both tried to talk to Peter.  The nurses and doctors have changed a few things today.  They feel that the fact he is on anti-seizure medication warrants bumper-like pads and a special cover over his bed.  It seems silly to me, but what do I know? I noticed Peter appeared as though he didn't really like it and he slides fairly easily down on the new slippery covering over the bed.  I guess if it makes the staff feel a bit safer, than maybe that is a good thing?  :-)

My mom called as I was sitting in the room with Peter, Shar and Becky, the CNA.  I asked her to talk to Peter and see if he would respond.  I had tried everything and he was just really quiet today.  A massage, tickling his toes, massaging his shoulders, etc., just didn't seem to cause any reaction.

My mom asked Peter via speakerphone on the cell how he was.  His reply was, 'fine!'.  She than told him she was glad that she could hear his voice and he said, "You too!".  Sharleen encouraged him to say thank you, and he did!  She then encouraged him to say I love you and he did!  Mom's response was thank you and he responded, "Welcome, Dolly".  So, now I know who to put on the phone if I want him to talk and he's not talking to me, or perhaps kinda tired! :-D

Another thing I thought was special was that Peter was able to facially recognize certain family members as Shar pointed out photos from her cell phone.  It is a very special thing to see p-r-o-g-r-e-s-s!

Becky, his CNA, told us that he fed himself today and even took off the lids of the containers all by himself!  PROGRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are working on helping him get his smile back.  Did I mention that I LOVE Peter's smile?  He's sure a special young man to ALL of us!

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